Thursday and Friday we were bussed to a place just outside of Yanji (2 hr. bus ride) for a retreat for teacher's and their family. Actually it was information on team building, school schedule, and school guidelines. Hannah, Jack, and I, took this journey (by faith), while Michele, Lia, and Rae stayed back.
It was quite fun trying to listen to translations and keep Jack entertained. He was a trooper. Except at meal times (he doesn't like new foods and he is vocal about it!) Hannah found a friend and that helped with the boredom. (most of the kids were 4 and under). We spent many times out in the cold playing on the exercise equipment.
We sat on the floor for teachings and meals, totaling 23 out of 24 hours on the floor. (once again 1" cushions were available...I think it is a trick to make you feel like your comfortable) I think I am developing callouses on my rear!
I was asked to lead some songs a few times and yet they had to be easy English songs with no words about DAD...(that's a challenge). We ended up playing nursery songs! (seriously) To lead adults in "Old MacDonald had a farm", and "If your happy and you know it", or how about "Row, Row, Row your boat" (in rounds of course) was quite humbling. God continues to break me. In fact the second time I led in songs I noticed an hour later my zipper was down! (oops! Once again humbling!)
The floors were heated, but some parts were extremely hot. Much like sitting on the sidewalk in Phoenix during the middle of summer without shorts! Ouch!! In fact, as we laid down on a blanket to sleep it was so hot I thought I was going to get burned. Jack and I moved to a cooler place because I thought he would roll over and get burned. Good thing. One guy's keys were in his jacket pocket and the remote entry to His car melted! That's hot!
We slept in a room of about 5 guys. People came in late at night and turned on the lights to get stuff. Kind of like a late night wake up call! People got up around 5:00 a.m. to get going on their day...sitting in meetings. (got to get the best seat on the floor)
Rice is becoming by arch enemy. Little white grains plague me at every meal. One day I may even stand up and tell rice a thing or two about itself.
Anyway, we finally made it back home...exhausted, overloaded with information, and lacking sleep. That's why it is called a "retreat" right. You get away exhausted and come back exhausted. At least you have the memories, right?
I've "hit the wall" as they say. I just hope I've run hard enough to run through it. My DAD knows what He is doing though.