Saturday, July 11, 2009


Michele left today for Seoul to pick up some items and help Rae (a friend with us) renew her visa. I remember being in Seoul last year and getting lost not once but twice! It is a maze city with the likes of New York. No one sleeps. Crazy driving. GOOD times!! I told Michele as she walked out the door. "Honey, expect to get lost. It is part of the adventure. I'll be yarping for you."
And so here I stand, 3 days, with 3 kids, and a Star Wars marathon to partake of (yes, they are loving all 6 of them!). "Messy" Yoda, "Luke Warmwater", and Darth Vader are invading our days. Light saber wars in the living room, capes and masks/ face painting, and funny talking...Not to mention Lego Star Wars on the wii. (that has taken us 6 months to get through and there is still more to finish!) Pizza, fun, late nights, and everyone getting along in's my dream! I tell Jack, "Jack Skywalker, I AM YOUR FATHER." And he says, "NO!!!" What a blast!

Anyway, we are doing well here. Facebook is blocked here now (which is a bummer for communications). Skype still works and so does e-mail. Another day in China...Another day of service and love.

Monday, June 15, 2009


China brings many interesting adventures.  Things that you laugh at now and one day will share with your grandkids.  Things like…”One time I went on a retreat and slept in a 6’ x6’ room, and I am 6’ 1” (kind of felt like jail time).”  Or “Squid is really rubbery tasting, stay away from pig feet, and yellow custard looking stuff is not supposed to be in chicken.”  Or there is always this story…

We went for an early morning jog (exercise time) on a retreat.  A student gave me a flower he picked as a sign of appreciation.  I said “thanks” and for fun put it sticking out of the beanie I was wearing.  A few seconds later I heard some laughing and another student tapped me on the shoulder.  He said, “Teacher, when you put a flower on the back of your head it says that you are selling yourself to others.”  Needless to say the flower/weed came out suddenly.

Every day is a new story and we find ourselves laughing at ourselves often.  I know that people think we are the weirdest people around.  Oh well, that’s life.  Here’ my great words of wisdom…

“The more you can laugh at yourself, the more people will laugh at you too.  Then everyone feels better.”

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


(sorry I haven’t updated the blog recently, things get blocked on this end sometimes)

The other day we were invited to a have dinner with a friend.  This mother has become a good friend to the family.  As we entered her house we found a small table with various foods laid out on it. As I look around I noticed there was no furniture in the room.  Not even a plant.   The only thing there was a TV on a stand in the corner.  Another room the kids went to play in was completely empty.  And then it struck me…Here is a friend who went out of her way to bless us at a tremendous cost personally. She could have spent her money on other things besides us, but chose a meal over things.

As we ate the food and shared our lives I was reminded of what really is important in life.  It’s not our surroundings, but the relationships we develop over the years with others.  The person with so little is just as valuable and important as the one who has much.  

Take the time to give thanks for those in your life.  And the next time you share a meal with another remember that it is more than food that you share.  GB